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Tell me about your dreams before we embark on this magical journey together!

Full Name*

Email Address*


Mailing Address*

Birth Details (Date, Time and Place)*

Name of business, scope of business and, where are you in the process?*

What would you like to accomplish and how would you like your business to be different after this process?*

In your own words, please describe your current business situation and previous experience(s).*

What are your perceived strengths and challenges?*

What else would you care to share with me that you feel may be relevant?* Do you have an active business plan, a current P&L statement, are you making a profit, are you working with anyone else, what are your current marketing strategies, are you currently advertising, what are your top 3 biggest costs, liabilities, and money makers, how many years have you been in business, have you run thriving business before, who do you have available to help, do you have any investors, what are you goals, etc. The more honest information you can supply the better we can help you.

Would you like to be added to our email list?*

Referred By*

Payment Method*

submit above and then pay below

Additional Payment Options:

Pre pay with cash

Cash App $BryanCampbell0763

PayPal (friends & family) @bryancampbell0763 

Venmo (friends & family) @Bryan-Campbell-9


Gift card: Walmart, Publix or Amazon

Trade/Barter: services or items

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